Why am I being asked to provide Rumble my address?

To ensure compliance with U.S. tax regulations, Rumble needs to know your address to help us determine if we are required to issue you a 1099 form. 

What will happen if I don’t update my profile with an address?

If you do not save an address to your profile and you reach $600 in earnings annually from 2024 onward, your ability to cash out will be disabled. You can re-enable this functionality by supplying your address and if you’re based in the U.S., also submitting your W-9 form.

Why am I seeing a message about completing tax documents on my Account Overview if I haven’t earned $600 this year?

Anyone who has earned more than $100 in all time earnings will see this message and be given the ability to submit a W-9 form. However, the form is not required unless you earn at least $600 annually from 2024 onward.

What does it mean if my W-9 is showing as rejected?

If a rejected status is  indicated for your submitted W-9, it means information from the submitted form could not be validated against IRS data (Name and/or Tax ID). Please re-submit the form and double check the information is correct.

What will happen if I don’t fill out a W-9 form?

If you are based in the U.S. and have not submitted a W-9, your ability to cash out will be disabled if you have earned $600 or more annually from 2024 onward.

How does this impact me if I am not in the U.S.

You will not be required to submit a W-9 if you are not in the U.S., however you do need to make sure your profile is updated with an address so we know you’re not in the U.S. 

Do I need to fill out a W-9 form every year?

No, you do not need to submit a W-9 form annually. The W-9 button and ability to submit a form will remain on the account overview page in the event it needs to be re-submitted. The status will be reflected in parenthesis. 

What do I do if I need to make changes to my W-9 form?

If any information present on your submitted W-9 has changed, you can update it any time by re-submitting the form through the button on your Account Overview page.

What is the $600 limit for requiring a W-9 based on?

This is based on the earnings added to your Rumble wallet annually from 2024 onward. The earned date is based on when the money is available in your wallet, not when it was cashed out.

What happens if I also earn money on Locals via Stripe?

If you are on Locals with your own Stripe account, you will receive a 1099 from Stripe for your Locals earnings and from Rumble for your Rumble earnings.

What if I don’t know the answer to questions on the W-9?

If you do not know how to properly fill out your W-9 form, please consult a tax professional for guidance.