Badges display next to usernames in live chat on Rumble.com and in the mobile apps. Whether you support a channel as a monthly subscriber, supported any creator with a tip and/or are a Rumble premium package subscriber, your contribution to the community will be on display. You will also be able to identify Rumble Admins and Channel Moderators who are there to help make the community safe. Here is a list of the major chat badge types, ranging from Rumble staff to creators to supporters.

Admins are here to support the community and are enforcers of our terms of service. They are the kings and queens of the Rumble domain. When you see this crown you know at a glance that you can trust what they have to say. They help keep Rumble safe and fun.

Moderators of the channel hosting the live stream act as our knights in shining armor. They are bestowed powers by the channel owner and have the ability to remove messages and mute users from the chat. Soon they will be able to manage keyword block lists. Be sure to honor and respect their wishes.

Help creators grow their Rumble kingdom by becoming a $5/month subscriber to their channel. You can also display your support by joining and supporting a creator's Locals community (if available) and display this badge proudly. Pay it forward.

Put your money where your mouth is, literally. Post a Rant greater than $1 in chat and make your voice heard while sending your favorite creators some money. All supporter badges appear across all live streams for all creators.

This badge is given for those who have given over $100 to the creator community. You take Rants to another level by supporting creators with a cumulative sum greater than Benjamin Franklin can even handle. Show those creators you mean business.

Silver and Gold mean nothing to you, because you have diamond hands. With deep pockets and a love of this community, you spend money like it’s going out of style by tipping creators over $1,000! You are a true G!

This badge is for paying Premium subscribers and displays next to channels for creators and in live chat for all users. To learn more about Rumble Premium visit rumble.com/premium