You can upgrade or downgrade your current publisher package at any time by visiting the Publisher Packages page in your account settings.

To change your publisher package, log in to your account and go to the Publisher Packages page. Here, you'll see a list of available packages and their features. To upgrade or downgrade your package, simply select the new package you want and click "Upgrade" or "Downgrade". Your new package will take effect immediately or at the end of your current plan.

You'll see any changes to your billing and features reflected in your account settings.

Will I be charged a fee for changing my publisher package?

No, there are no fees associated with upgrading or downgrading your publisher package on However, please note that changing your package may affect your billing cycle and you will be prorated for the difference between your current and new plan if you make the change instant.

Can I cancel my publisher package entirely?
Yes, you can cancel your publisher package at any time by visiting the Publisher Packages page in your account settings and moving to a free plan. Please note that canceling your package will remove access to any paid features associated with your package.