Rumble collects ad revenue from its various partners and ad networks at varying times (depending on each partner's payout policy), We deposit these payments in your account as they become available.

These earnings (between receiving these payments and the time those earnings become available for you to withdraw) are called estimated earnings.

Earnings from ads on your video are deposited to your Rumble account (1-180 days) > estimated earnings hold (30-60days) > Ready to withdraw

It can be 6 months between the time an ad filled view takes place and the amount becomes available to cashout. Filled ad views are counted when they occur, not from the moment the video is uploaded.

Once you’ve receive finalized earnings in your Rumble account and have at least $50 in settled earnings, you can start the process to withdraw.

To cash out/withdraw these earnings go to your account dashboard and click cashout at the top. Only earnings that passed the estimated earnings hold and have settled will show up as available for withdrawal.

If the amount only shows as estimated, you will not be able to withdraw it. You must wait until they are processed and settled.