What are the differences between the Free, Publisher, and Business accounts?

Free accounts are designed for casual users who want to watch, but also upload and share videos on Rumble.com. With a Free account, you can upload any number of videos per month, and you'll earn revenue based on the number of views your videos receive provided you choose a monetized license.

Publisher accounts are designed for content creators who want to monetize their videos on Rumble.com and other platforms, including websites you own or manage. With a Publisher account, you can upload an unlimited number of videos, and you'll earn higher revenue share rates for your videos. You'll also get access to advanced analytics, custom branding options, and other features that can help you grow your audience and revenue.

Business accounts are designed for brands, agencies, and other businesses that want to leverage Rumble's video distribution network and reach a wider audience. With a Business account, you can distribute your videos to Rumble's network of publishers and media partners, as well as access premium features like custom advertising solutions, dedicated account management, and more


How do I choose the right account type for me?
The account type that's right for you will depend on your goals and needs as a content creator or business. If you're just starting out and want to share your videos with a wider audience, a Free account may be a good option. If you're a serious content creator who wants to monetize your videos and build your brand, a Publisher account may be a better fit. And if you're a business looking to leverage video as part of your marketing strategy, a Business account may be the best choice. You can always upgrade your account to a higher tier as your needs evolve.

Can I switch between account types?
Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade your account type at any time by contacting Rumble's support team. Please note that changing your account type may affect your revenue share rates and other account settings.